Thursday, July 06, 2006

Or Give Me Death

About a week before school let out for the summer, I finished reading a good historical fiction novel called Or Give Me Death by Ann Rinaldi. Ms. Rinaldi is a pretty famous YA author of historical fiction, and even though I love historical fiction, I had never read a book by her.

This is the story of Patrick Henry's family, and it takes place just before the start of the Revolutionary War. It is told by two of his daughters, Patsy (16) and Anne (8). Unfortunately, their mother is going mad, and their famous father is not around much because of the impending war with England.

It is well-written and kept me turning the pages. It is also a good depiction of what life was like in Virginia during those times. Be sure to check it out this summer at your local library, or wait until September and check it out at the Maxson MS Library!

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